




生物學是一門研究所有表現形式的生物的科學,包括植物、動物或微生物。事實上,生物學涉及與生命世界相關的方麵和現象的範圍之廣令人難以置信——它的起源、生長、結構、基本生物過程、功能和相互作用模式,因此它經常被稱為科學的集合或網絡。但是,生物學並沒有將生物科學分裂成獨立的學科,而是將其細分為組織的邏輯層次——有機體、細胞、分子和種群。根據不同的優勢,生物學家在研究生物體時采用不同的研究方法和分析方法。巧合的是,生物專業的學生可以獲得與生命科學相關的各種各樣的職業選擇。有些專業隻關注整個有機體,而不是分子或細胞;其他人則研究整個生態係統,如雨林和珊瑚礁。一些生物學家在虛擬隔離環境中工作,進行測試和分析實驗數據;另一些人則可能需要在日常的基礎上與一大群人互動,比如舉辦公共研討會或做講座。然而,無論工作環境如何,由於技術和科學知識的不斷發展,生物領域出現的大多數職位都需要在一個以上的領域擁有專門知識。 Furthermore, what becomes evident when sampling actual job listings is that companies are looking for applicants with cross-disciplinary training, as in evolutionary ecology or genetic toxicology or bioinformatics or biotechnology, etc. To take full advantage of the job market opportunities, it’s very important to consider integrating other sciences and mathematics into the biology-based coursework. A major in biology coupled with non-science skills, for instance, can lead to career paths in technical writing or scientific illustration. A combination of biology and psychology may result in neuroscience. Grouping biology with business classes will prepare individuals for hospital or biotechnology administration career paths. Some students opt for double majors in college to enhance their marketable skills. An undergraduate degree in biology provides a solid foundation for admission to the medical or dental school. Graduate students may branch out into pharmacology, plant pathology, conservation, ecology, gene therapy specialties, and the list goes on. Although ample entry-level career opportunities exist for biologists with just a Bachelor's degree in industry or government or K-12 education, a large number of research oriented as well as postsecondary teaching positions require either a master degree or a Ph.D. or a combination of Ph.D. and postdoctoral studies. Biological sciences are grounded in extensive scientific research, two interconnected types of research, to be exact. Basic research, purely scientific in nature, advances the development of new concepts and theories and serves as the basis for applied research. Applied research targets practical applications of new scientific discoveries. A bioscientist may be engaged in one type of research or the other or both depending on the place of employment and commensurate with the level of education. Biologists are hired by academic institutions, research facilities, biotechnology, agricultural, food, pharmaceutical, and health-related industries. Federal government agencies such as Fish and Wildfire Services, Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, National Park Service, as well as natural resources conservation boards, forest and agricultural services on a state level, happen to be a prime source of employment for a variety of biological specialties. Other employment opportunities are available in museums, private foundations, zoos and aqua parks.



  • 全麵的科學背景和致力於終身學習。
  • 喜歡解決問題,發現新事實,進行研究。
  • 分析和生成數據的能力。
  • 在多學科項目團隊中出色工作。
  • 良好的溝通/表達能力。
  • 電腦專業知識。



