




認知科學家試圖理解和解釋人類思維的內部運作,它的智能功能,行為機製,以及負責編排和執行大腦心理活動的神經生物學組織。認知科學是20世紀50年代中期出現的一個相對較新的領域,當時來自不同學科的研究人員在研究心理和智力時采用了不同的方法和方法,介紹了關於認知表現的初步智力理論。70年代中期,認知科學學會成立,《認知科學》雜誌問世。從那時起,認知科學已經發展成為一門主流學科,涵蓋了心理學、哲學、人工智能、神經科學、語言學和人類學等不同領域的研究。認知理論家認為,心靈的心理表征實際上類似於計算機的數據結構,心理活動類似於計算過程。人類思維最好在表示和計算的上下文中被理解,這一概念是探索固有和人工智能係統的共同基礎。認知科學專業主要集中在三個關鍵的研究領域:大腦-與認知現象相關的神經生物學過程,如語言識別,知識獲取,信息處理等;行為——與人類交流、社會文化互動、刺激和發展模式的一般真理相關的認知活動和反應;計算——模擬人類感知、認知和神經過程的功能方麵的計算係統框架。雖然每個學科從不同的角度處理手頭的問題時采用了自己的方法,但基於共同目標和共同利益的跨學科融合產生了統一的方法和富有成效的合作。 While cognitive psychologists are frequently involved in theorizing and computational modeling, the greater part of their time is devoted to conducting experiments with human participants under controlled conditions. They gather empirical evidence by examining mental activities transpiring in their study subjects to determine how people form certain views and ideas, how fast they process mental images, or the effectiveness with which humans solve problems applying analogies. The role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) experts revolve around developing and testing mathematical and computational models simulating recognized patterns and elements of human cognitive experiences. Neuroscientists target brain-behavior relationships by studying the neurological anatomy, physiological processes, molecular mechanisms, and neural activity in human brain, its specific regions that mediate various mental tasks like word and mental imagery interpretation. Neuroscientists incorporate clinical, theoretical, and experimental techniques and data in their analyses of neural sources of higher cognitive functions which include perception, learning and memory, problem solving, and reasoning. Since language is the main portal of communication between humans and the means by which they articulate ideas, express feelings, and exchange information, linguists provide important answers to questions related to human intelligence and the extent to which the nature of language is affected by cognitive properties of the mind and brain. Linguists supply theoretical and experimental data obtained through analyses of grammatical rules that form the fundamental structure of languages, semantic systems and networks as well as the role of communication, all from the standpoint of mental processes involved in language production, comprehension, acquisition, and cognition. The link between cultural environment and intellectual development has long been a subject of discussion and interest. Cognitive anthropologists help expand our understanding of human thinking and forms of interaction, especially in connection with language use, by shedding light on intellectual, rational, and emotional attributes of various cultural environments that underlie and motivate human behavior. Anthropologists conduct field studies, which often entail living in indigenous ethnic settings for extended periods of time, to assure accurate collection and interpretation of data. Philosophers, whose main concern is ideas and their structures with regard to abstract and real phenomena, logic, as well as the mind and body connection, contribute on multiple levels into the unraveling of the mystery of human mind and conscious experience.





  • 良好的分析、批判性思維、調查和辯論能力。
  • 對學習新事物和產生新想法有濃厚興趣。
  • 喜歡進行研究,組織和解釋數據。
  • 在多學科項目團隊中工作出色。
  • 高級的溝通/表達技巧。
  • 數值計算和對細節的關注。
  • 較強的計算機基礎。



